
Dear Visitor,

You have entered the web site of the project entitled “Danube Limes UNESCO World Heritage”. This program, which is being realized through the cooperation of the heritage preservation organizations of Hungary and four other countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland), as well as other partners, has made it its goal to prepare a World Heritage nomination for one of the important and certainly remarkable parts of the border of the Roman Empire, the Danube section of the limes. Hungary is readying a nomination for 2012 for the path (and remains) of the former Roman military road stretching along the Danube, as well as the military structures found in its wider surroundings that fall within the territory of Hungary – Roman military camps, fortifications on the right and left banks, military towns, guard towers and other elements that were a part of the border defense system – or in other words, for the Hungarian section of the limes.

Our Austrian and Slovak partners are completing similar tasks as well. Germany, as a State Party that contains a section of the limes that is already inscribed on the World Heritage List, will primarily participate in the project by passing on the experience it has obtained; and Poland (which understandably does not contain a section of the limes) brings to the project the knowledge acquired by Polish experts researching the limes in Bulgaria.

The joint inscription of this network of sites as one item (a so-called serial nomination), which will include the territory or surroundings of what is expected to be over 150 communities, is already a great challenge even in this preparatory phase – not only for those directly involved in the project, but also for the local governments, as well as the professional and civic organizations that it affects. We trust that as a result of our successful work we can step closer to obtaining the title of World Heritage, and in connection with this, but possibly even more important, the opportunity may present itself for further preservation, research, rehabilitation and if possible display of the archaeological treasures of the individual sites. Through the increased significance of these places as tourist destinations and cultural sites, all of this will be to the advantage of the local communities, strengthening the awareness and appreciation for the valuable sites that can be found there, as well as their preservation having a direct or indirect economic impact.

We thank all of our visitors for honoring us with their interest, and if you agree with our goals, naturally we would gladly accept and extend our thanks for any possible support, no matter what form it takes!

Dr. Tamás Fejérdy DLA
Vice President
Hungarian Office of Cultural Heritage
Project leader

Have a look on 3D animated reconstruction made on intercisa military camp !